Do you have Polish roots?


Lexmotion Law Firm of Attorney at Law Małgorzata (Nowotyńska) Magierska, in Polish goverments register: Lexmotion Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Małgorzata Magierska, is owned and run by attorney at law Małgorzata Magierska (nee Nowotynska), who is a licensed attorney at law, whose number of entry in the list of legal advisors in Poland is KR-2507. She can be found on the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Kraków's website, although it is only available in Polish.

You can also verify that we are a legitimate company in following ways:

  1. Polish Government - the Ministry of Economic development runs the Central Registration and Information on Business, where you can find our company. How do I do it? Go to the webpage and enter our NIP [Taxpayer's Identification Number] number (675-13-17-344) or REGON [National Official Business Register] number (123136490).
  2. The European Commission provides a tool named VIES VAT number validation - here, you choose Poland as a member state and then type our NIP [Taxpayer's Identification Number] number (675-13-17-344), which is also our VAT number.

Both websites allow you to download the certificates found there.

Lexmotion Law Firm of Attorney at Law Małgorzata (Nowotyńska) Magierska

Plac Lasoty 3/1B
30-539 Krakow, Poland

Number of entry in the list
of legal advisors KR-2507
VAT NR: 675-13-17-344
REGON: 123136490

Phone: +48 12 261 16 08